Monday, January 23, 2017

Blind, Target, Aim, Dart, Failed

First Day Failure

Classes began last Tuesday here at TTU. For me, Tuesday was one last prep day as I have a Monday/Wednesday load this semester. I ran through everything I had planned for the first day of my Development of Youth Programs in Agricultural and Extension Education class. We were making the leap from iLearn, the traditional LMS, to Google Classroom. I practiced adding students to classes, creating announcements, posting assignments, and creating questions. I felt pretty good about my abilities within this new LMS. After all, I am a Level 1 Google Certified Educator.

Wednesday rolled around. Class began. Troubles started. The trouble started when my projector wouldn't turn on. I tried to figure it out for about 30 minutes before students started trickling in. Nothing worked. I wanted to walk the students through the Google Classroom layout, but abandoned the projector as it wasn't absolutely necessary to kick the class off. I wasn't defeated, but I was flustered. 

Once we began, I tried to walk students through getting enrolled into the actual Google Classroom. A few of the students hadn't received their credentials to log on. When I created the student accounts, I failed to send them the log in information with their credentials. Once everyone got their credentials, I shared the enroll code so they could access the actual course page within Google Classrooms... it wasn't working. I reset the code and shared it again. It finally worked, but I was really flustered at this point. 

As a class, we discussed the syllabus, assignments, field experience, and various expectations. I then took a moment to explain why we were switching to Google Classroom. I explained that it was new to me, just as it is for them. I committed to rolling my sleeves up and working alongside them to meet the course objectives. We took a class selfie and dismissed for the day.

After that class I remembered some of the things I tell my preservice teachers... things like don't be afraid to fail, be transparent with your students, take risks. In reflecting on the "First Day Failure," I think I practiced what I preach. I took a risk in switching to a new LMS. I was open and honest with them about the difficulties experienced. I was terrified of failing, especially in front of them, but I did anyway. 

I think I have Google Classroom figured out now, and today is a new day. Bring it on!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Time: Use it Wisely

This blog post will be short and sweet! Happy to hear your thoughts on the subject,

Time is something we often brag about for the wrong reasons. We talk about how busy we are, or how much time we spend at work. I will admit that I often do this! I complain to my wife that I don't have time to wash the dishes because I am so busy with everything that is attached to life in academia. I generally say this as I plop down to watch my favorite TV show or play my Xbox. It is in these moments that we begin discussing cutting the extraneous things from our schedule. We talk about not watching our favorite TV show in order to get something else done. I think this is a mistake. We have to have time for things we enjoy or help us relax. If not, it hampers our productivity. 

I am no expert at scheduling my time. I make mistakes often. I struggle to find the balance I see so many other academics manage so well. This jumbled mess of a blog post is a roundabout way to explain my commitment to becoming better at using my time wisely. I have to learn to say no. I have to learn to schedule fun things. I have to learn to just wash the dishes. 

Time: Something we wish would fly by, but end up wishing we had more of!